Homeostasis and Shared bodystate

Emotions and behaviors can be broken into two categories, homeostasis and shared bodystate. Homeostasis — the body’s survival process — generates a bodystate. Bodies share their bodystate. That bodystate will be shared with you during treatment.


References and suggested reading/listening:

Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications

  • Barsade, S. G. (2002). The Ripple Effect: Emotional Contagion and Its Influence on Group Behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47(4), 644. https://doi.org/10.2307/3094912

  • Carvalho, G. B., & Damasio, A. (2021). Interoception and the origin of feelings: A new synthesis. BioEssays, 43(6), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.202000261

  • Christov-Moore, L., & Iacoboni, M. (2016). Self-other resonance, its control and prosocial inclinations: Brain-behavior relationships. Human Brain Mapping, 37(4), 1544–1558. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.23119

  • Damasio, A., & Carvalho, G. B. (2013). The nature of feelings: evolutionary and neurobiological origins. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience, 14(2), 143–152. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn3403

  • Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J. T., & Rapson, R. L. (1993). Emotional Contagion. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2(3), 96–100. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8721.ep10770953

  • Iacoboni, M. (2009). Mirroring People: The Science of Empathy and How We Connect with Others. Picador.

  • Tsakiris, M., & Critchley, H. (2016). Interoception beyond homeostasis: Affect, cognition and mental health. In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Vol. 371, Issue 1708). https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2016.0002

Podcasts and interviews:

Media credit (photo/video/audio/animation) Sincere thanks to the following artists

Thumbnail Image - Lit match - Unnamed author, Canva

Anatomy man- Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

Person changing thermostat – monkeybusiness, Storyblocks

Weather outside of window – kk5hy, Storyblocks

Heart beating – M.G.F.Studio, Storyblocks

Pupils dilating – PepN Stock Footage, Storyblocks

Lungs breathing – istock.com/ALIOUI Mohammed Elamine

Stomach digesting – istock.com/Jose Miguel Garcia Sanchez

City scene – iStock.com/HenrikAMeyer

Bodyscan, istock.com/janulla


Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be medical or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical or psychiatric care. The information presented herein represents the perspective of the author. The concepts presented are accurate and conform to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of qualified mental health providers with any questions regarding any emotional or psychological condition. Never disregard professional mental health advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Body and Behavior Institute videos. Body and Behavior Institute is an initiative of Limbic Legacy.


Treatment programming: Targeting emotions and behaviors at the level of biology


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